Our History
The roots of the BC Electrical Association (BCEA) go back to the 1920's. Today's BCEA, comprised of more than 145 corporate members, was started by the BC Electric Company (now BC Hydro). In 1923, our forerunner, The Electrical Service League of British Columbia (ESL), was chartered by the provincial government of the day.
Until the 1980's, the ESL was located at the BC Hydro office and was completely financed by the utility. The electrical service league had a mandate to encourage conversion to electricity, and its safe installation.
Since that time, activities of the league varied in their content and frequency. In the early 1980's, the ESL promoted electric home heating and installed the ESL 'Gold Seal' and 'Silver Seal' standards. The ESL also organized, promoted and ran a major electrical tradeshow every third year in the lower mainland.
About 1985, BC Hydro suggested the ESL should rely on them less for funding. League offices then moved from BC Hydro premises. Additional trade activities were scheduled and held around the province. An educational program was developed for members. In 1990, the Electrical Service League changed its name to the British Columbia Electrical Association, and revised its bylaws. In 2014, the BCEA celebrated it's 90th Anniversary of serving the electrical industry throughout the entire province of BC.
The result has been a significant increase in the level of member directed activity. New and innovative events were created, while flagship BCEA foundations continued to grow strongly. Our Scholarship and Bursary Program has awarded over $500,000.00 to deserving students across BC. New committees were created to help support the growing need in our industry- AMP Network (formerly known as the U40 Group), the Women's Network and the Conference Committee, the Okanagan Network & the Island Network. The LINK Conference grew from an idea to an educational and successful event.
These changes and additions continue to attract new members and diversify our base.
The BCEA empowers all sectors of the BC electrical industry through networking, education, and partnership opportunities in an inclusive way. #shinebrightertogether
We invite you to join us!
1980s - 2014
2014 - Present